Luxurious ~ Restorative ~ Radiant ~ Rejuvenating ~ Exquisite
Sonic charged with : 432hz tuned crystal chalices, 432hz crystal harp & tuning forks
Ethically & lovingly curated with Blue jewel of Gaia Sophias love, purest intention, breath of spirit, divine love, utmost joy, eternal magic.
Permaculture is a way of life. These precious creations stem from a devotion to living Sustainably, purely and a permaculture-based system that lasts. From seed to blossom, fruit and roots, these precious gifts from the garden speak to me and inspire these creations to come to fruition.
It is my utmost truest joy to create and bring together sacred precious elements, especially in the realm of the flowers and most especially in liquid form. My specialty is birthing liquid embued with divine spectrums of rare essences.
All here is 100% Organic, home-grown or of the highest grade available on the market, vegan, ethically derived + sourced. Everything is tuned with 432hz crystal chalice bowls and a harp to diamond frequencies of pure love and eternal beauty.
Everything is channeled from pure inspiration of the truest joy and Love. I have been alchemizing for over 8 years now and am being guided to share more publicly what I love to create.
Deeply immersed within the healing arts, ancient medicines and direct experience with divine magic, these creations come from communion & reunion with true eternal Love, Bliss, Purity and Joy. These offerings flow forth from my heart as a wellspring of divine inspiration. I have been creating, experimenting and deeply immersed within natural organic holistic beauty, herbalism and deep medicinal communion for 8 years.
I am so overjoyed to be able to share in this way with you all. I do a lot of research and hands-on experimentation. These creations flow out from the source of Gaia with joy. I use everything you see here and share it worldwide with family and friends.

Lua Cheia is a womban devoted to the preservation, protection, purity and service to the waters of life. Service to Gaia is her truest prayer through living life in the purest integrity possible. She is an eternal student and Open Crystalline Channel of the timeless wisdom of the Mystery. With her feet on the ground, connected to the divine, she listens to the subtle and deep teachings directly through the elements and natural world. Devoted from the core of her being to delving deep into her soul to purify, heal & align with the path of her greatest evolution ~ to live in tandem with Unconditional Love, The Beauty Way, Compassion, Total freedom, Truth, Purity of mind, body, spirit, Integrity, Creativity, Peace, Prayer, Honor and Devotion.
Lua has studied herbalism, holistic health, sacred self care, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine & healing modalities for over 15 years. She has applied herself to thousands of hours of research, study and deep experience within the world of plants, healing & ancestral arts.
Her foundation is rooted in embodied wellness practices. She has studied and immersed herself very deeply in : detoxing methodologies, fasting (water, juice), dietas, womb purification, celibacy, raw veganism, ancestral arts, Indigenous plant & animal medicines. Lua has practiced meditation, breath work and yoga for 15 years.
She is a 500hr RYT and has been spent her life assisting, facilitating and learning through yoga teacher trainings, retreats, womb healing, ceremony, prayer, initiations, ancestral healing, sound healing, earth ritual, rites of passage & initiation. She has studied the principles for regenerative living, permaculture and sustainability.

Kaleb Kosanke was homebirthed in the wild desert of Utah, Raised in the second largest wilderness area in the US in Idaho, Kaleb has a strong foundation and background in survival skills, self sustainability and connection to the wild within and without. He grew up with a strong sense of brotherhood being one of 8 boys in his family. Kaleb is of Haudenosaunee Iroquois descent and has a strong connection to the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island. Kaleb is a certified Permaculture Designer and has acquired hands on skills through growing up in an environment where they had to grow all of their own food to survive. They even had to haul and heat their own water. This developed deep self reliance, resilience, confidence and hands on skills within Kaleb to survive in many conditions. He learned how to build, construct, work with his hands and create at a very young age. Kalebs passion for regenerative earth skills, sustainability and permaculture principles grows more and more as he truly believes this is the way of the future and what we must return to, to be in right relationship and balance with the Earth. He has a vast knowledge of wild foods and medicinal herbs, he is an excellent plant guide with a lifetime of experiential wisdom. He has a special connection to the wild, especially the animals and plants.
Some of his skills & knowledge include : Ethical Wildcrafting, Seed saving, Permaculture design, Creating sustainable systems, Reforestation, Regenerative Living, Food Forestry, Wilderness skills, Indigenous wisdom skills and teachings, Meditation, Qi Gong, Painting, Poetry, Music, Sacred Fire Tending, Herbalism, and so much more.